electrical engineering
starting from the study-proposal stage services, our firm provides preliminary design, final project and as-built project drawings with a high quality for the service of the customers. it works aiming to lower the investment and operating costs with its possessing experience, specialization and adequacy.
our electrical engineering design team work jointly and coordinately with the mechanical and civil engineering design departments by showing adaptation to every sort of changes arisen from architecture and takes as a goal to provide required services in compliance with the intended quality and periods. our firm provides all sort of electrical engineering services in construction and industry sectors.
local standards (tse, ts-en) and international standards (iec, ansi, nfpa, etc.) are applied in accordance with the requirements of the design.
power distribution system
- mechanical system and power supplies system and calculations
- high current system and calculations
- low voltage power distribution and panel (supplies system) and calculations
- low voltage energy infrastructure and energy distribution system and calculations
- system and calculation of outlets with safety lines
- infrastructure projects
- substation system and calculations
- compensation system and calculation
- energy power line system and calculation
power and auxiliary power unit
- generator system and calculation
- ups (uninterrupted power source) systems and calculations
- central battery group
lighting system
- general lighting
- emergency lighting
- exterior lighting
- special lighting
- lighting control and dim out
protection systems
- lightning protection system
- foundation grounding system
- over current protection system
- over voltage protection system
communication system
- telephone circuit tv system
- electronic quematic system (queue-matic)
- sound system (music)
- public announce system
- paging system system
- data processing network (structural wiring) system
- central timer system
- nurse calling system
- structural wiring
fire protection systems
- fire detection system and alarm system
- emergency lighting
- smoke detectors and managing system
- guidance and marking
- fire detection system
- audible-illuminated warning systems
- power lockout and managing (administration) system integration
- evasion and evacuation plans
security systems
- cctv ( closed circuit security camera ) system
- burglar alarm systems
- electronic pass control
- electronic guard checking and control system
- gas detection system
- overflow sensing and alarm system
special systems
- building management system
- multi-purpose hall sound system and simultaneous system
- tender file
- technical specification